How long will my order take to arrive?
BELLABOHO is dedicated to shipping ALL orders within 24 hours. Upon receiving order, orders are shipped from our USA distribution centers. Included shipping on the majority of orders do not surpass 7 days to be delivered. Delivery time may vary based on the delivery time selected. If you have any questions, or have not received your purchase, please contact INFO@BELLABOHO.COM
Can I cancel my order?
Orders shipped cannot be cancelled. If you wish to cancel an order, send us an email at INFO@BELLABOHO.COM
Do you ship worldwide?
BELLABOHO proudly ships to the entire United States of America. We will notify all our international visitors when international shipping is available.
Where is my order?
It’s your product and you want to stay up-to-date on its arrival estimate. For that reason, once we ship your order we will send you a confirmation email with a link from which you will be able to track your order live. You will also find the tracking link on your user profile page, under “My Orders”. If you have any concerns or need troubleshooting on how to access the my orders page, please email us at INFO@BELLABOHO.COM
What if I want to change my shipping address?
If your order has been shipped, you will have to contact USPS directly with your tracking number. Bellaboho can’t assist nor guarantee USPS will be able to change the shipping address. All orders that have not shipped, could be potentially changed. Email INFO@BELLABOHO.COM to change the shipping information.
What if I receive my order in bad condition?
For all products that arrive damaged, contact us immediately. An exchange will be issued. Once damaged product is received, a matching-replacement product will be shipped.
What is your return policy?
BELLABOHO's honors an up-to 15 calendar day refund for all returned items. Shipping costs will be the returners responsibility and it is highly recommended to ship items in a trackable fashion, emailing the tracking number to INFO@BELLABOHO.COM
Can I make an exchange?
The following are possible exchange conditions.
- Received incorrect order.
- You received the wrong size.
Please contact us immediately at INFO@BELLABOHO.COM
- BELLABOHO's honors an up-to 15 calendar day refund for all returned items. Shipping costs will be the returners responsibility and it is highly recommended to ship items in a track-able fashion, emailing the tracking number to INFO@BELLABOHO.COM
What kind of browser do I need to navigate BellaBoho?
Microsoft IE 9 and above (IE 6-8 are not supported)
Mozilla Firefox 4 and above
Google Chrome
Apple Safari
Are out-of-stock items restocked?
All items are constantly being re-stocked. If an item is out of stock and you would like an estimated re-stocking date, please email INFO@BELLABOHO.COM
How do I know my order was finalized?
Once you have placed your order, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive an email, contact us at INFO@BELLABOHO.COM